Art is human excellence.

Everything needs balance. Photography and Videography are not only about capturing light but also about playing with it, finding the best possible angle and moments between seconds.

Kuro (comes from Japanese) stands for the dark and Samuel for the light.
Always remaining balanced.

Learn more about Samuel.

Samuel approaches anything with love, light and passion. He found his love towards the art of photography early on through the inputs of his grandfather, mother and nowadays through various other artist and their work. 

Born and raised in Graz, Austria, Samuel just stands at the beginning at 23 years old. He’s seeking for moments between moments. 

Samuel already worked for a few brands such as BMW, Moodley, Create Tattoo & Art, BeThrifty, Kornati, and others. 

Besides pursuing his own Clients he’s an employed stills and short form video artist at moodley brand identity.

For his commercial work he focuses on lifestyle, portrait and automotive photography. 

Personally he is also passionate about street, documentary and landscape photography. He loves nature, coffee, cameras and cars. Planning and realising projects with his partner Eva since day one.

At the end of the day for Samuel it’s about to capture a unique connection between any given subject or moment. 

He will be glad to work with you!

How will we work together?

To create amazing results together, Samuel will ask you the right questions straight away to realize your creative needs with maximum efficiency, emotion and soul.